Monday, 15 December 2014

it's christmas everywhere!

Hey guys,


I am absolutely enjoying this christmas time (even though the first snow had already melted..) I love the smell, all the colours and lights and the comfy and warm clothes. And the food, how could someone forget all the amazing sweets and treats which are sold everywhere? Roasted almonds, cotton candy, chocolate fruits.. I could go on and on about the christmas food! I've been to the christmas market a few times now and although it is the same every year I am honestly in love with it. There is nothing better than a mullet wine and some roasted almonds after a day of school.

The city where I live has a really beautiful old part of town and at christmas time it glows and sparkles - It's adorable!
Usually I go home with a belly full of unhealthy food and mullet wine, cold feet and a huge smile on my face.
Since I already finished all my christmas shopping (without even going out, thank you Amazon!) I don't have a lot of stress which I generally hated about christmas - even though I love giving presents - and can enjoy the christmas days as relaxed as possible.
Also I annoyed a lot of people by constantly singing christmas songs and since my boss decorated our workplace I can listen to all these amazing tunes 24/7. My favourite so far is shake up christmas by train. It's not a classic but I've been really enjoying it and it makes me feel so christmasy!

I am going to spend Christmas with my family in Wuppertal, so my mom and I are driving to my grandpa to have a joyful time. I am looking forward to this because I haven't seen this part of my family in ages (at least it feels like it).

Btw my hair is brown again after trying to get blond for the last seven months and I honestly like it. A lot of people tell me that it suits me much better than the light blond. Unfortunately my hair is pretty short now but now I will just let it grow out again and give my hair some rest after everything it has been through.

How are you going to spend you christmas days? Have you already got all your presents?

Love, Juley

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