Wednesday, 21 January 2015

5 things that will make you feel better when you're ill

Hey guys,

Truthfully, I wanted to write a different post this week but since I've been ill since Saturday it just wasn't possible. Today is my fifth day of illness and I thought: why not share your tips of dealing with it?
Note: These are just personal experienced things which usually help me feel better when I come down with a cold. If you're not feeling better after a few days you should definitely see a doctor!

1: get some sleep

Really, it is so important to sleep as much as possible. Sleep is proven good for your body and rehabilitation and because you don't feel well anyway, why not sleep it off? If you are well rested you will definitely feel better and you wouldn't want to be ill and tired. Also time goes by faster when you're sleeping so when you wake up you're a few hours closer to feeling well again.

2: read a book or watch some TV

When I am as ill as I've been the past few days I seriously can't do anything else then lying in bed with a book or with the TV on and it actually feels really good. It's okay to not be productive when you're not feeling well. Catch up on your favourite series or start a new one. Read that book you wanted to read but never had the time for. 

3: drink

I made myself an apple-banana juice using 3 apples and 2 bananas
Keeping yourself hydrated may be one of the most important things you have to do when you are ill. It helps your body to recover and you won't feel so crappy when your body is properly hydrated. It doesn't really matter if you drink water, tea or juice as long as you keep those fluids coming. My doctor told me to drink at least 2 - 2,5 liters a day.

4: take a hot bubble bath or a steamy shower

Seriously I am a huge fan of bubble baths in general but when I feel ill it really helps wonders. I feel so much more relaxed after it. Usually I add a cold and flu bath essence so my lungs and my nose will feel better as well. Since yesterday was the first day that I was able to smell something again (my sense of taste is still gone..) I decided to light my scented penguin candle and it really was heavenly.

5: go for a walk

Today was the day when the "omg-every-part-of-my-body-hurts"-phase was over so I decided to go for a walk in the park nearby. First of all, I needed to get out of the house and secoundly it normally makes me feel better. A walk can help to get your circulation going and I also think that the fresh air will help to clear your head.

So, those are my tips to make yourself feel better when you're ill.
What do you usually do when you have a cold? Any advice?

See you soon, 

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